CIS of Eastern PA envisions a future in which every student, regardless of race, zip code, or socioeconomic background has a community of support that empowers them to reach their full potential.
As the nation’s largest organization dedicated to empowering students to stay in school and on a path to a brighter future, advocacy is just one way we ensure that all kids have the tools to realize their potential. From our beginnings, public policy has
been central to our mission.
We are, at our core, an advocate for equity. Our founder, Bill Milliken, dedicated his life to advocating for disenfranchised youth. His direct work with the Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations helped grow CIS into the national organization it is today.
Since our local affiliate incorporation in 1983, CIS of Eastern Pennsylvania (previously CIS of the Lehigh Valley and before that Cities in Schools of Bethlehem) has advocated for strong investments in our young people.
Please click the document below to read more about our legislative agenda and policy principles.